Stories from EQWIP HUBs Tanzania - Vialeth
EQWIP HUBs and by extension most development projects, are about helping people. The numbers posted to a website or a quarterly report tell one story; it is quite another to visit someone who has graduated from the program and is successfully implementing the training that they received to improve their livelihood. Vialeth is one such person who has graduated from the EQWIP HUBs entrepreneurship training and is running her own business. On July 18, 2017 we paid her a visit at the place where her passion started; her mother’s office.
Vialeth, is 23 years old, lives in Mwanza, and conducts her business in the Pasiansi district of the city which is a bustling core of design shops. Vialeth describes her passions as design and the creation of beauty through her clothing designs. New Canadian volunteers to the HUB often hear her name before they know who she is as volunteers know her for her beautiful clothing designs. Vialeth credits two major things with the success of her business; first is her mother. Vialeth described her mother as the one who instilled in her a passion for design and making clothes and was a driving force behind her deciding to join the EQWIP HUBs training workshops.
EQWIP HUBs is the second major component of the success of Vialeth’s business. She describes EQWIP HUBs as a place where she was able to “find herself and discover who she is and know what she has to do to achieve success”. Vialeth stated that for entrepreneurs to succeed in the Mwanza area they “should attend the EQWIP HUBs training; it taught me financial literacy and how to run my business”. Vialeth stated during our meeting that she pushes other youth that she knows to join the EQWIP HUBs training due to the success it imparts in young entrepreneurs.
Of course, no business can successfully run itself without a talented businessperson at the helm; we at EQWIP HUBs Tanzania would like to congratulate Vialeth on being a strong woman who designs beautiful clothing. We wish her well and the future! (And I’m sure that her name will continue to be the talk of the HUB whenever someone needs clothing)

Andrew Inglis